domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

English UD 2

Hello students!

 How are you today??   

As we know, we have to learn a lof of new vocabulary in this didactic unit. For that reason, we are going to give you some resources in order to review them at home..

Resultado de imagen de COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE

Countable and Uncountable Nouns 

Therefore, you can study the theory by means of these presentations...

If we want to say the quantity of a product, it is neccesary to use one of these two words.. Some and any, let's going to see when we use one or another...

Some and any

Finally,  here you can practice what time is it ? with these webs...

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Here we let you some web pages where you can practice the past tense of regular and irregular verbs. https://www.gamestolearnenglish.c...